For Sale Rare Aquatics L Numbers, Corydoras, Cichlids Stock List

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009
Rare Aquatics Stock List Open 7 Days a week

Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields

Tel: 01270 59006

Specialist South American Fish Importer & Aquatic Retailer

L075 Peckoltia Sabaji - Para Pleco Wild Caught Stunning from 5 - 7" £25 ea - FEW

L095 Pseudorinelepis sp. wild caught Brazil totally stunning ONE ONLY be quick Exactly 12" length 3"+ wide £200

L129 Hypancistrus Sp.Columbian Zebras 2.5 - 3" Columbian Wild Caught £15 ea

L190 Royal Panaque Pleco Approx 4" - 5" £25 ea

L199 Hypancistrus Sp. Pleco Wild Caught Columbia nice size 3 -5" £19 ea FEW

L200 Green Phantom Pleco Stunning fish 5" £33 ea

L200a Lemon Phantom High Fin Pleco Approx size 4" £24 ea

L201 Hypancistrus Pleco XL Big Spot variety stunning wild caught fish £15 ea

L204 Flash Panaque Pleco 4 In stock Peru Wild Caught 5" + £30 ea FEW

L240 Galaxis Pleco Approx 6"+ Columbian wild caught These are the best examples of L240 that we have seen in quite some time totally stunning fish £40 ea

L257 Pseudolithoxus Tigris Wild Caught Columbia Can provide pairs £29 ea

L30 Oligancistius - Peppermint Pleco Wild caught Brazil - Xingu River Rare Fish at this point can provide pairs £25 ea

L330 Watermelon Panaque Pleco approx 8" + £80 ea

L34 Medusa Pleco Ancistrus Ranunculus approx size 3" £27

L91 Leporacanthicus Triactis Three Beacon Pleco Small Size Approx 4" £30

LDA72 Ancistrus Triradiatus - Male & Female adult pair wild caught Columbia Great breeding project £25 per pair or £13 ea

L350 Imperial Pleco RARE £150

LDA65 / L203 Titanic £100 11"

L340 Hypancistrus Mega Clown Pleco Wild Caught £20 picture below 10 left

L152 Pseudorinelepis sp. Pleco approx 5" £24

L325 - Jari Blue Ancistrus F1 approx 3 - 4cm very rare ancistrus sp. £12.50 ea

L66 Hypancistrus King Tiger Pleco F1 £15 ea or 10 for £100

10 X Otocinclus Affins Otto £20

Tatia Perugiae £8.99

Corydoras CW51 XL £17.50 Cheapest In The UK

Corydoras XL Pastazensis £15

Corydoras C91 Peru Bondi True C91 rarely ever seen £15

Brochis Splendens 'Green Cats' XL £12.99

Corydoras Weitzmani £15 Wild
Tank bred £8

Corydoras C138 ULTRA RARE £80

Corydoras Evelynae RARE POA

Corydoras Eques £16.50 XL True Eques not cheaper Melanotaenia that are currently being passed off as.

Corydoras Meta £3.99 L

Corydoras Nannus £3.99 L

Corydoras Delphax £3.99 L

Corydoras Melini £3.99 L

Corydoras Melanotaenia £3.99 L

Cichlid & dwarf cichlids

XL Cameta Yellow Wild Brazil Discus £50 ONLY 3

Leopoldi Angelfish Brazil Wild Caught £25

5 x Medium Sized Various Scal. Angelfish £35

Wild Scal. Peru Angelfish L (Trade name Peru Altums) £20

Manacapuro Red Back Angelfish German £15

Scal. Red Devil Angelfish XL beautiful German £30

Scal. Black Angel fish German £12

6 x Columbia Wild Ram 'Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi' Males & Females £18

Andinoacara Coeruleopunctatus Wild Caught stunning fish £6.99

Apistogramma 'Glaser' Mouth Brooder 'Rojo' Red Form Very Rare Wild Peru £14.99

Apistogramma 'Sunset' Atulapa Wild Peru £12.99

Apistogramma Apache 'Masken' Wild Peru £9.99

Apistogramma Baenschi Inca PAIRS £12

Wild Caught Brazil Apistogramma Cf. Caetei £9.99

Apistogramma Purple Wild caught Peru £9.99

Crenicichla Regani - Regan's Dwarf Pike Cichlid wild caught Brazil Tapajos £9.00

Dicrossus Filamentosus wild caught Columbia £3.99

Nannacara Aureocephalus Pairs Male & female Pair £12.99 One only

Caquetaia Myersi Columbia Wild Caught £5.99

Satanoperca cf. Jurupari Wild Caught Brazil £13.99

RARE Uaru Fernandezyepezi - Wild Caught Columbia £90

Wild Ram 'Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi' Columbia Wild Caught Males & Females In stock £4.25 ea

Apistograma Agassizi

Apistograma macmasteri

Geophagus Stankneri-neivae

Geophagus Surinamensis

Tetras ANY species Special offer
10 for £20
50 for £75
100 for £100

A large variety of other tropical fish in store including rare catfish too much to list


L128 Blue Phantom Pleco
Axelrodia riesei
Corydoras Arcuatus
Gymnotus Carapo
Hemigrammus Rhodostomus (Rummy Nose)
Hyphessobrycon Bentosi
Lamontichthys Llanero
Satanoperca Daemon
Sturisoma Aureum Royal Whip

L340 Hypancistrus Mega Clown

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