Hi all,
If you had a clean source of spring water it would be all right, a problem is that often the aquifers are limestone, so the water ends up very hard.
The problems for streams and rivers are the ones everyones stated, fertilisers, pesticides, lead from car tyres, salt after the roads have been salted etc. I think it is only an option if you have access to a trout stream flowing over rocks that aren't limestone.
Rain-water is usually a much better option, it is naturally distilled, so it only contains any pollutants it picks up on the whilst falling throught he atmosphere or from dust on the collection surface.
I've used rain-water for years (I live in the SW in an area without any heavy industry), and particularly in the winter, after it has rained a lot it is very pure water indeed. I use Daphnia as my "Guinea Pigs", I seed the water butts with them, and I draw the water I need before I use it (usually to let it warm up). Before I change any water I look for the Daphnia in the water butt water, asuming there are some and they are swimming around I'm good to go.
These are 3 of my water butts (I've got 2 at the front house as well)
cheers Darrel