Ro + buffers,minerals or ro mix with tap


Mar 16, 2011
Kent uk
Hi I've been reading Alot about using ro water, at the moment am using pure ro with seachem acid/alkaline buffer to get the Ph to about 6.8 and add replenish/equilibrium the final tds I get is about 250ppm, I read that using buffers is not good as it raises tds, and that I shouldn't worry about ph but concentrate on kh and tds. My tap has a kh of about 14 degrees and tds is 340ppm. And to breed L134 I read you need to lower tds for me to mix my ro to say for eg tds 150ppm would be quite difficult using the buffers/minerals but on the other hand if I mix about half tap/ro I would get near that but with a very different ph. What would you guys/girls recommend me doing?


Pleco Profiles Team - RIP FRIEND
May 1, 2009
I believe a sticky on R/O was posted.
basically forget PH and get the TDS to around 200 the Kh to 4 to 6 .
I use R/O and HMA mixed The reason i don't "cut" my R/O with tap water is the additives used by the water company.
If you PM me i can give you my phone number and talk you through it all.

Regards Bob


Jul 21, 2011
Mid_Suffolk, UK
I cut my ro with tap water 4:1 and my tank TDS is about 120, never more than 150. KH I allow to fall to 2.5/3 before using bicarbonate of soda to raise it to 3/4. Tank PH is usually 7.4 (tapwater is 7.6)
My tapwater hardness is in excess of 24 for both KH and GH

But then I'm not trying to breed owt so perhaps the info is moot.

There's a monster thread started by me that is how I managed to get it right, without that I would have been up a faecal matter stream in a native American boat with no means of propulsion.