2x planted tanks
22L and 75L
betta 4x very small fish in edge (22L) planted with java ferns.this gets 10% every other day in week,50% fridays.fish get a small feed every 2 days.
75L,1x L134,1X L081,2x neon tetras,2x ottos,1 molly,5 assassins snails,3x nirite snails.
this tank gets 10% every monday,wednesday,50% friday water change.
fish get feed thursday and sunday.
things that get added to both tanks are:
co2 in 75L
easy carbo
bacterial balancer
Indian almond leave thats been soaked in tub,1L 1x a week.
all this on fridays,just under stated dose.
prime for new water.
glass clean every friday and plant trim if needed.
filter spundge clean every friday.
both tanks look like they where set up yesterday,which is the way i like them.