Sick Fish


Jan 17, 2012
Hi All,

I need some help. My lovely wife introduced some dwarf gurami's to my tank when I was away to 'brighten things up'.

Looks like something got in. My Cichlid blew up and has white wounds on his side with bubble type things growing off him. I lost a L066, 7 dwarf gouramis, 20 odd endlers and more...

I constantly do 20-30% Wc's weekly and there were no nitrates in the water. Ph is 7 flat.

I started to use Protozin and little results. On Saturday I put in Blue Planet Multicure. Since then my Cichlid has started to be more active. The balls have gone so far. I am concerned about my Plecos - 5 more L066's alive.

Any ideas what it could have been? and any advice to help me?

also since this morning I have had a MASSIVE snail explosion. The tiny ones that are on their side... I didn't have snails until today and nothing new was in the tank... EEK HELP!?!

Nat's Fish

Nov 14, 2011
I would increase your water changes. Have the fish been eating? Have you fed more than usual? I have those annoying snails as well. I was told they were a type of ramshorn