Sometimes the solution is simple


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
Little story of one of my tanks. It has the usual ugf, gravel, canister, power heads but it was cloudy, the water.

Didnt matter if I had lights on or off. After a 50% wc, the next day cloudy again. I tried geo liquids, gravel vaccing severely, siphoning mulm out from under the ugf trays via the air risers. Cut back on feeding, added new filter wool to the canister.

Nothing seemed to work and tds, ph, kh, gh, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels were all normal. I just couldn't see my fishes.

I am planning on doing away with all my gravel ugf tanks and the other night introduced 4 sponge filters to the tank to start seeding ready for when I remove gravel gradually over weeks, and eventually remove it totally and the ugf trays.

Next morning, tank is as clear as a bell! The fish went OMG you can see us! :clap: