UPDATE:on all my dead BN


Nov 28, 2009
something interesting.. i moved them all to a new tank that i had 2x fry nets with fry and 2 cm common bristlenose in nets ....i treated the tank for worms a few hours later i notice .5cm worm/poo looking things stuck behind fry net and glass all nearly same length this is why i thought worms ..NOW all the fry and the 5-6 common bristlenose in net are dead so what ever this thing is thats killing them is spreading fast in tank...... so what is a fast spreading dieses??? fluke ??? cause in a seperate tank that i used same canister filter on to clean my bn tank my venustus are acting funny scratching fins flickering up asnd down fast twitching and sitting on bottom of tank.....
this has just become a disaster ...
any ideas on fast spreading desiese that kill them off within a day or so ???


Apr 21, 2009
Newcastle, Australia
I can understand your frustration and there are a few of us members on here trying our hardest to help you. However we can't help you if you don't answer our questions. There have been quite a few good questions previously asked in your other threads and you are yet to answer the majority of them. It makes it hard to give you the answers you need.

So lets just try and answer these few.

How did you move the fish? did you acclimatise them? What's the ph of both tanks?

You say you treated for worms....what did you treat with and at what dose. How big is the tank you treated?


Nov 28, 2009
my ph is normally 7.5 to 8 cause all cichlid tanks but for bristlnose tank was less near 7 i moved them very fast to new tank cause they all dieing in other tank .. i used avitrol + for worming 1 tablet per 15ltrs and the tank is only a 2ft tank 18" high


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
The possibilities are

Parasitic---not likely imo
Bacterial--quite likely
poisoning(either from water or ingesting whatever was on the wood)---quite likely.

Moving them was the right thing to do but they may have already been affected.

One thing I would do is phone your water company and make sure they haven't added anything to the water the last week or so.

Also I would start treating with some sort of internal bacterial med as you have nothing to lose.

Just out of interest, do you use any aerosols or those things you put in rooms to make them smell nice(completely gone from my head what they are called:wb:)
Some people have been known to place them on top of their fish tanks and then ended up poisoning the fish.


Apr 21, 2009
Newcastle, Australia
well I can say that it wasn't the avitrol that contributed to the death. The dose for avitrol plus is 1tablet per 10L.

Would I be right in guessing that you didn't slowly add them to the new tank?
The shock in Ph could've been too much given that they were very well to begin with.

How long have both the tanks been running?
What medications have you been treating with in the last few weeks?
What test kits do you have?


UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
oh dear, what a disaster for you.
babies may well have died just from shock of move and/or meds.
I would stay with safer meds like pimafix where babies are concerned anyway.
did you do lots of water changes?

the tanks sound quite crowded. to have only had a foot space for each group does not give much room for fish to be happy.

yes air sprays, like febreeze, window cleaner, etc are leathal ! many people dont realise this. so check with whoever cleans the room.

could be something in the water, or have you added anything new that could carry infections - like a plant say? , else maybe its your rotting wood?