water condition help


New Member
Mar 31, 2012
just checked the water pm on my 134 breeding tank,
i noticed that some of the fish were hanging around the top of the tank and thought it was odd, i have not done a water change for a week or so and my water conditions are

ph- 6.8
amonia .35
nitrate - .75
nitrite - .25

how dangerous is this for my fish, i just did a 40l 30% water change,
can this be fatal, what is the best way to overcome this


Retired Staff
May 7, 2009
Chester, UK
Yes, your water is dangerous right now. Ammonia and Nitrite should not be detectable on your test kit and is a sign that your biological filtration is not working properly. The Nitrate is a bit high but that shouldn't be your concern right now.

Your immediate concern is to reduce the Ammonia and Nitrite levels. You can do this by water changes, I would start doing 50% at least once a day. And you could add a chemical filtration media that adsorbs Ammonia. You should also increase the aeration and reduce the amount of food you feed. Test the water regularly to see what the levels are and you can adjust accordingly.

The reason that Ammonia and Nitrite are present in your tank is that your biological filtration hasn't cycled properly or your tank is overstocked and the filter can't handle it.


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
how old is your filter and when did you clean it last. Agree with Matubula as well. Do daily water changes and also look at the substrate if you have any and see if it needs cleaning. Also watch your feeding program, you might be overfeeding.
If you have a chance give us size of tank, fish in it, filtration, feeding schedulle etc. cheers jk :thumbup:


UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
agree with above, also if fish are at or near surface it may be an oxygen problem. are there a lot of plants? is there an air stone or venturi making bubbles?
a photo of tank and size and what is in it etc would help.