As I have learnt through experience, in any breeding venture you need to invest money with no guarantee of any profit in the long term. The comment from your LFS that you can breed Ls and make a lot of money very quickly, shows that they do not understand the L breeding and make it sound like it is so easy.. In Australia buying Ls is an expensive venture. Some breeders wait years for the fish to lay eggs and then raising the fry is another issue. Sometimes they only lay 10 eggs and 4 survive etc. With you huge shed, you surely can build an impressive breeding set up/rack system. Have you considered rain water tanks to collect the water from the shed ? I would suggest using heavy duty steal shelving system. As others have stated in this post, maybe breed BN or peppermints, they seem to be what LFS want. Also with your health problems consider if you start selling fish that you would most probably have to ship and send fish interstate. My further questions to you
1. Do you have any fish experience at all ?
2. Have to spoken to your LFS and will they buy your fish/shrimp ?
3. It depends on your finance how big you wish to go, so have you done a budget of sorts already IE Tanks costs, filters, food etc ?
With Shrimp, they are wonderful as they breed prolific if the conditions are right. My motto is, we are keepers of water. Give any fish the correct water conditions and requirements, then anything will happen naturally. i have breed shrimp, they need clean water, a little movement. When you do water changes, be wary to introduce new water slowly. I used to use a drip hose to add the water, thus the changes are not so dramatic. If water is clean and do not overfeed, they will thrive.
cheers jk :thumbup: