So I have a 15 gallon with one adult pair of bristlenose, about 150 babies and a colony of about 40 red cherry shrimp. I would like to be able to move all of the babies that were over an inch long into a seperate 30 gal with young honduran red point cichlids. (These were kept in a colony tank with baby guppies and newborn bristlenose and will not pose a threat to the plecos)
The problem is that i'm not sure if i have a suitable piece of wood for that tank. I recently bought a piece of wood off a local fish forum member who said he had gathered it from a local lake. It was just a little too long to fit into my 75 gal, so about 4 months ago i cut the tip of the piece off. I kept the tip, boiled it, and put it into a 10 gal with 15 guppies and one 2.5" bristlenose. So far all of the fish are doing fine.
Would it be ok to assume that this piece was safe to use in this new juvie BN tank.
The problem is that i'm not sure if i have a suitable piece of wood for that tank. I recently bought a piece of wood off a local fish forum member who said he had gathered it from a local lake. It was just a little too long to fit into my 75 gal, so about 4 months ago i cut the tip of the piece off. I kept the tip, boiled it, and put it into a 10 gal with 15 guppies and one 2.5" bristlenose. So far all of the fish are doing fine.
Would it be ok to assume that this piece was safe to use in this new juvie BN tank.