zebra sex opinions please


Nov 4, 2010
did you buy this fish of steve k cos thats the same fish i sold him look at the pic below she was the female that just spawned with the male i sold him



UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
She (he?) is not quite 2 inches, I have had it for 4 years.

I ask because she has attacked the male, and he is wounded. I had 4 zebs in a tank, this one and 3 others - two were sure males and one was not sure. then one male got wounded and died (I assume male fights) then the other not sure sex died - a couple of months ago.
this left a male and this probable female.
here is the two of then a week ago... not a good pic but you can see shape difference.- he is paler as he was caught first and got stressed, maybe a bit thin but no damage marks.

but now i find he has sores on his side a large sore and two smaller ones lower down his back

So is she the villain killer?? or is she a male fighter? or did she just want to get in the cave with a male to lay and ended up squabling!
so I thought I would seek out opinions!!

I am treating with melafix and pimafix.