columnaris again


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
anyone know how to treat this disease ? First time I used Maracyn and Maracyn 2. Lost many fish because I was concerned to use this med and loose my filter bacteria. Lost my cycle anyway, took the tank apart, sterilized with bleach , set up again and the survivors began showing small signs again, so treated for 5 days with Maracyn and Maracyn 2. Finished a few days ago, did a 30%wc and did loose the cycle again, so added safe start . Today one more fish showing signs pretty bad.

Thought I had it licked after the first round, and sterilization of tank and equipment with bleach, but it came back, and after 2 nd treatment , back again ! How can I save these fish ? any help appreciated


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
Georgie, I don't think you can treat it successfully as such. In some ways it isn't really a disease itself, but a symptom of other problems. It is a strange bacteria because it is present in nearly all aquatic environments, probably including all fish tanks etc. and isn't always pathogenic.

If you look at it as a problem along with "White Slime" <> & "I know this sounds crazy" <>
Then the wider problem is almost certainly a long lasting water quality issue, because both Columnaris and fungal/bacterial sheets are prevalent where high bioloads exist, or where there are low dissolved oxygen levels in the water column.

I know it is difficult but I think the best thing you can do for your tank and fish is to stop adding anything to the tank, and try and get some stability.

Plants are always a good thing in tanks, they are probably the single factor that has the most effect on water quality. I like to have a few floating plants at least.

Other than that you just need to remember that both biological filtration and fish health is very dependent upon having enough oxygen.

Personally I like a lot of flow (this increases oxygenation in the water by creating a larger gas exchange surface as the surface water is constantly replaced), I don't like floss etc in the filter as it is prone to clogging, and I like to change about 10% of the water every day. It might be worth looking at another water source (is rain-water a possibility?) just in case it is tap water problem.

cheers Darrel


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
hi Darrel ,thanks for the response. Well the onset could surely have been caused by too many fish, they were platy, having too many babies ..that was why i began moving them to the 30g ,till a mystery illness wiped most of them out. So it could have been caused initially by overcrowding.

As for oxyen, I have a marineland/bio-wheel HOB, and I keep water level down an inch . I also have a hydra-sponge filer and an air stone in there.

Looks like the 7 fish in there won't make it. 3 rounds of any meds would not do well for them, and the cycle is gone now anyway... thanks, this is a very difficult thing to treat , bummer. Thought I had cleared it up but apparently not. Thanks, darrel,


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
wow Georgie, you are having a run of bad luck lately :cry: . I would agree with Darrel. Just let the tank settle. Definately add some floating plants and add more water flow and oxygen. Feed less and just let the tank settle. Do not add anything else to it for at least 4 weeks. good luck cheers jk :thumbup:


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
thanks jk, will do nothing. Last night I lost another one in the 20g. This is a really sucky disease. The tank has cycled , it is the columnarius that is killing them. But I will do nothing , and let the tank ride as you both suggested. Thanks for responding and helping me keep my sanity and the will to keep going.


Feb 26, 2023
it cant really be treated but there is still hope my advice if u want to not have this happen again is keep your tank heater set at 24 degress and that will help u in the long run its what i have been doing for the past 23 years and no dramas any more with calamanaris