possibly, still look like dark bronzes to me lolI know there not the black variant but I do think they are the original Schultzei of which the black variant came form.
Its not really an up side if they are bronze though mate is itgee on the up side they have spawned a few times :woohoo::woohoo:
There Pseuda,s Scatzjust to add a couple of pics where mine can be seen
:yes: Thats what I've been led to believe, the black schultzei are a man made variety originating through selective breeding.I know there not the black variant but I do think they are the original Schultzei of which the black variant came form.
Any chance of expanding on this? Do you know what was bred to obtain the black?.the black schultzei are a man made variety originating through selective breeding.
Coming from Ian Fuller, I'd believe this statement to be true, Graham. He is a member here, you could try PM'ing him for his view of what your corys are, and more info about the origins of the black cory.Ian Fuller, at his site corydorasworld.com, has this to say about C. schultzei:
"... Science considers this species to be a synonym of C. aeneus.
Bred under aquarium conditions, the species known as the 'Black Cory' was developed from this species after a number of black fry emerged from successfull spawnings."
My Corys have been ID'd as Schultzei on PF a while ago, and they look identical to yours Gee, a bit darker than Bronze but not black.