L260's Dead ???


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus

Okay pretty pissed off, 5xL260's died, one yesterday, and 4 today, i have them with some L007's and L004's - none of the fish fight, and looked fine, this morning when i found the dead l260 i noticed some of the L007's kinda breathing fast but not really and about 2 are kinda flicking and fanning .

The other 007's look fine and normal and the 004's look pretty good and are normal, why only the 260's died ?

My other fish in other tanks are fine and normal and do the same water change and everything to all the same tank .



Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
damn, sorry for yr loss, damn. check your filter media, do a water change and treat with both fixes if you have them. I seriously would look at the media from your filters and in the effceted tank add another filter like sponge. any white spot ? cheers jk :thumbup:


Pleco Profiles Team - RIP FRIEND
May 1, 2009
Ok lets look at it from the top

"5xL260's died"
So you lost one variant

"i noticed some of the L007's kinda breathing fast but not really and about 2 are kinda flicking and fanning."
Your going to lose more
So the problem is dependent on sensitivity and is working its way through your fish.

"My other fish in other tanks are fine and normal and do the same water change and everything to all the same tank."
No issues in other tanks means its tank specific or variant specific.
As ii looks like the L207 variant is now exposed to what ever it is unless all the other tanks have very hardy fish in them it has to be tank related.
Brings us back to

"My other fish in other tanks are fine and normal and do the same water change and everything to all the same tank"

As for this statement I doubt if you do get it exactly the same every time I know I don't.
You mention flicking and breathing I would suspect a gill infection ie Flukes or the water has been subjected to tampering by the water board?
May I ask did you do the all last water changes at the same time?
If the water was treated with say Chloramine that can have the same efect as you described.

Regards Bob


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus

Bigbird :
No whitespots at all, im going to do a cannister clean pretty much soon/now and see what happens tomorrow, hopefully it helps.

Macvsog23 :
Its kinda hard to explain, example now i just looked at the fish that was kinda breathing fast, its breathing normal and looks fine, and another one breathing fast, i probably think its maybe shining the torch on them making them breath fast ?

Some are flicking, some are fanning out side cave ???

Water changes were done to all tanks at the same time, so i really dont think in this case its the water.

Forgot to mention each tank has its own cannister filter.

Well we'll see what happens in the next few days.


Water is fine:

PH at 6.6
Nirate & Nirite basically none 0
Ammonia 0

no new fish add, probably about 4 to 6 weeks ago added the L260's ? maybe actually 2 months ago cant remember.
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Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
I lost 2 zebs yesterday, really peeved me off. Combination of 4 things. One was heat it was 3 very hot days in a row. Second, one of my ugf airstones had blocked and I didnt notice. Three the canister was half blocked with debris slowing the flow. Four the internal power filter was barely turning over water as the rotor was fairly worn.

Replaced the airstone for a newie, cleaned out canister, ungraded powerfilter for a stronger one and added the air intake. Current and air is very high again now but the guppies aren't that impressed with the turbulance lol.


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
Its crazy cause now the fish all look fine and acting normal behaviour ...

Im keeping my eye on it - i was meant to do a cannister clean and water change yesterday but fell asleep on the couch .. and after work i find them alright ????

PH is still 6.6 - im using one of those test kit i think by API, heard they are one of the best, and they are pricy too.

But will do a clean/cannister tonight probably feed them tomorrow as that will be the third day i havnt feed them, cause they all wernt eating.

But there still could be a problem but even tho it look normal at the moment so will keep on checking, and once i feed them tomorrow i'll know if they are eating i would have feed them tonight but rather wait .

Will update will good/bad news .. hopefully good .


Jul 24, 2009
I would say you can rule out fluke if the are looking fine today...It sounds more like a water issue tbh ie: lack of O2 due to insufficient water flow or overfeeding... Or as Bob stated caused by chloromine poisoning...Or possibly both.


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
I'm really sorry for your losses, but it does sound like an oxygenation issue, particularly if it is warm, the hotter it gets the less oxygen the water will hold. Brengun wrote:
Combination of 4 things. One was heat it was 3 very hot days in a row. Second, one of my ugf airstones had blocked and I didnt notice. Three the canister was half blocked with debris slowing the flow. Four the internal power filter was barely turning over water as the rotor was fairly worn.
and I think that is probably about right.
no new fish add, probably about 4 to 6 weeks ago added the L260's ? maybe actually 2 months ago cant remember.
Combine the heat, less water flow from the filter, these newish fish, and an increased bio-load as your fish grow and your most oxygen sensitive fish can die.

The problem is that Hypancistrus are rheophilic fish from the fast flowing waters of big, very clean rivers, and because of this they never experience low oxygen levels in nature and have no ability to withstand them in the tank.

Oxygenation and aeration are really complex issues that are fundamental to the healthy aquarium and maintenance of efficient biological filtration. Because sub-optimal oxygenation can cause both sudden death and long term stress, which leads to death indirectly, they are really important.

Have a look at our article: "Aeration and dissolved oxygen in the aquarium" <http://plecoplanet.com/?page_id=829>

cheers Darrel


Jul 18, 2009
gutted for you, i had a near miss last week whe a heater stuck on in my L333 tank, lost some fry and half my rosy tetras as the tank was at 100f, i have power heads with venturies in all my plec tanks as i have lost before and the lack of o2 seemed to be the cause (filters clogged in panaque tank)

hope you find the cause to prevent anything further or future occuring


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
i kinda doubt its oxygen issue as i have more than enough oxygen running in the tank i know that for sure, i have had way hotter days and still fine.

I doubt its water "chloromine poisoning" from the board cause all my tank should have been like this if it was, as all was changed at the same time.

So kinda wierd all i know i put in a new eheim jager heater but temp was okay ???

Anyways cant really do nothing now, the L260's are gone and really dont know the cause .


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
Is it possible the L260 were previously housed for more than say 12 weeks under UV?
I know I have bought fish from longterm UV users and the fish don't eat properly and seem to have no bacterial resistance at all. They get quite skinny despite worming and eventually die.


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
Is it possible the L260 were previously housed for more than say 12 weeks under UV?
I know I have bought fish from longterm UV users and the fish don't eat properly and seem to have no bacterial resistance at all. They get quite skinny despite worming and eventually die.
Were they are housed is fine, they get get good lighting, and they were fat when i found them dead, my L007 in the same tank are fat even the L004, they are eating right .


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
look as a precaution, especially with thsi warm cahnging temp, I would add an additional airstone or sponge filter. It does not harm the system. Sorry for your loss. cheers jk :thumbup:


Apr 21, 2009
Were they are housed is fine, they get get good lighting, and they were fat when i found them dead, my L007 in the same tank are fat even the L004, they are eating right .
UV light refers to the use of UV sterilization. What Brengun is alluding to is the long-term use of UV lighting keeps the tanks so sanitary that once kept outside of this environment the plecs can't cope with what would be otherwise normal levels of pathogens for other fish. Basically they constantly get sick as their immune system isn't capable of coping. A similar thing is often seen with blackwater fish like wild-caught L183. their natural blackwater environment keeps pathogen levels down thus upon import when subjected to community type settings the fish suffer when others might not.


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
Havnt got a UV sterilization filter or anything related

Basically eheim 2215 cannister no hang on filter with UV related, with my lighting i hardly turn them on as during the day theres light from outside and at night no light, unless i turn on my room light and when im cleaning the tanks i turn on the aquarium lights .

Ahhhh the more i reply here the more i feel bad about the L260's :cry:


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 15, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
can i throw up a different possibility...

007's are one of the most carnivorous plecs i have... when housed with other plecs they can be downright nasty and bash the hell out of other plecs...
friends have housed 260's wth 007s and lost their 260's also... smaller ones eaten and bigger ones bashed up... stress could then be a killer also for your 260's... may explain why a few 007's were still breathing hard after a long overnight battle....

i can pretty much eliminate the chloramine theory as there is only one dam/pipeline in australia thats permitted to use chloramine (to my knowledge and research) and thats mundaring weir and its pipeline to kalgoorlie which is over 500km long.... with the distance travelled and the heat from the pipeline itself chloramine is needed to go the journey.. chloramine bond is a hard bond to break and can only be done chemically (with a water conditioner made to suit) or with a lot of heat and time....

007's are pretty hardy plecs compared to 260's so i think its a mistake to house them together...not to mention the size differences when grown up...
i have found if i dont feed my 007's every night they will try to kill/eat the royal whiptails in the tank...