L260's Dead ???


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
Hey Big J

I was thinking that but honestly not even a little mark or anything on the L260, if they did fight there would at least be one mark or more, i have only 2 x L260's left in the tank now with them and honestly you have to see it the L007 dont care i have seen them together touching each other .

i know it might be a possibility but i kinda doubt it, plus the L260 straight away get out of everyones face when the L004 are next to it they run .

Im actually looking into the tank now and see the L260 and the L007 next to each other as if its protecting it lol.

. .

But to be honest sadly i have been thinking a while to close all tanks and this sad lost has kinda made my decision, probably going to keep only 2 tanks cause at the moment its getting very hard for me to maintain them and dont get enough time to do anything, so far within this last 1 month, i have had 3 spawns of royal whiptails, 1 spawn of l129 and another spawn of l168 and i have lost the royal whiptail eggs and 129 eggs as i dont get time to take care of them, my l168 is on egg again at the moment and i know i will loose them as i got to much things going at the moment.

Also who ever is trying to breed adult 129's dont put adult 270's with them they fight for the same cave and then male kicks eggs out and then my 333 eats them - great team work there haha .


Apr 21, 2009
Havnt got a UV sterilization filter or anything related

Basically eheim 2215 cannister no hang on filter with UV related, with my lighting i hardly turn them on as during the day theres light from outside and at night no light, unless i turn on my room light and when im cleaning the tanks i turn on the aquarium lights .

Ahhhh the more i reply here the more i feel bad about the L260's :cry:
Its not if you have UV, its if the previous owner of the L260s did. If the previous owner used UV of his/her tank, the thought is that they could have lost their immunity from being kept previously with UV. When introduced in your tanks, 4-6 or 8 weeks ago, they were exposed to stuff that they weren't prepared to deal with.


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
i kinda doubt its oxygen issue as i have more than enough oxygen running in the tank i know that for sure, i have had way hotter days and still fine.
I know this is going to sound a bit funny, but honestly none of know how fully oxygenated are tanks are, it is not something that you can measure easily and it can only take a very short time period of sub-optimal oxygenation to kill your fish.

Now I understand more about Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) looking back through my fish keeping career I'm now fairly sure that all sorts of mysterious deaths (and I've killed plenty of fish) were actually attributable to low oxygen, often because the water was de-oxygenated in the filter.

I use Eheim Classic as my filter of choice, but I know that canister filter are much less efficient than wet and dry trickle filters in terms of both biological filtration and oxygenation. If I'm ever in a situation where I noise isn't a factor I'm going to go back to using trickle filters and probably planted sumps with reversed lighting regimes.

cheers Darrel


Apr 15, 2011
new castle
fish losses


L333X7,L104X5,L202X1,Pepsx16,alb long finsx12 pretty pissed off, 5xL260's died, one yesterday, and 4 today, i have them with some L007's and L004's - none of the fish fight, and looked fine, this morning when i found the dead l260 i noticed some of the L007's kinda breathing fast but not really and about 2 are kinda flicking and fanning .

The other 007's look fine and normal and the 004's look pretty good and are normal, why only the 260's died ?

My other fish in other tanks are fine and normal and do the same water change and everything to all the same tank .

I know exactly how you feel as I have been loosing fish for quite a while, I have been keeping fish for years and years and years,as a kid my dad never liked me keeping fish so I smuggled them under my bed,had two jars which I filled with 4 angels ,2 opaline gouramis, 2 kissing romeos,2 black widowers,2 tigers,2 gold fish etc and they kept dying and I a filled it up again,just before joining college I bought 2 X 3 FT Tanks whick I breed red & sunset platies,red sword tails with red eyes I had hundreds, and 45 angels which I exchanged for swordtails , as i left home for engineering 4 yrs they were all dried at the bottom of the tank as I returned for my hols after 6 mths.
After i came to aussie I started with orandas, then rainbows and they died and i bought more,and more so I gave it up for 4 years in perth started with plants from roses,to gardenias to jasmines, to water lilies to palms to orchids to cycads the list went on till i moved to N.C.syd with the whole nursery occuping half the truck AND I started with gold fish orandas ryukins red caps fan tails then to chichlids elec blues, yellows,peacocks, red empress, kadangas, aceii,frontosas,angels,discus,and they were cannabalistic so I lost and got moreover the years I accumulated 2x 4ft ,6x 3ft,3x2ft &4 1ft tanks
I remember a friend in perth was getting into fish and ,I asked him to start with gold fish as they did not need a heater he said they are boreing and bought something else,they died he bought another one day I asked him hows your fish? he replied angrily I decided fish they just love to die, they just love to die,so no more fish.
since then every time I lost fish I thought about him, now I keep plecos,but as i was makeing a trip to N.Z.I put 2 x 4ft tanks in the garage with L397x5 with LF albino BN,6 black veil tail angels, and in another the peps and common LF BN along with 8 and asked him to feed it after 5 days as I had put in vacation blocks,and again after 2 days,and as I return after another 2 I feed it. but on my return i found all 5xL397 dead on the gravel including 2 gravid LF BN females,I moved them into the house tanks and returned to work and after 5 days found another 2 female LF BN and a peppermint as well.
now the 7xL333 & 5xL104 along with 6peps & 6 LF BN were left in the house with tetra vacation blocks which all survived.
I had also lost about 10 large discus & 16 smaller discus
I have been trying to analyse as to how they died ,water tests were all good,but to set up the tank i had purchased 10 orandas 4 gold moors,and chucked them into the tanks 2 days after adding ager and Aquasonic bio culture with bio super concentrate ,the gold moors died immediately in a few days and i remember them dying inthe shop itself,I did not add the water but the fish was already diseased i guess


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
hey CC,

How are your other 2 L260s going ?

Dont give up, you have a great set up and great Ls, so dont let this get you down. Heads up and keep on going. cheers jk :thumbup:


May 29, 2010
Sydney, Aus
Hey Champ,

To be honest they are fine and normal/active as if nothing was wrong, so thats a good thing, but i think i found out why, well its the only thing i can think of i put a eheim jager heater in new, its a 200watt, i did want to but a samller one cause my tank was only 140litres roughly and that heater can do 300litre, but i have set it on 25c and its on 28c, so originally i set it on 28c thinking it will stay on that actually went up, im guessing it was on 32c cause my thremo notice wasnt working and staying on 28c, so i brought a new one and works great.

The only reason i got a bigger watt heater was everyone was telling the big the better and wont put alot of strain on the heater, wish i just left my aquaone heater was doing it job right, and spent money on a better product and i get dead fish.

at the moment its on 25c (the heater) and tank is 28c even on this cold day, i dunno if something is wrong with the heater ? or its normal .

Also thanks for the kind words on the set-up, haha your probably the 15th person that likes it and actually seen it, to me i find the set-up normal haha :)
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Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
Wouldn't be the first time a heater set at 28 is actually heating to a higher temp. Its not callibrated properly.

You can either adjust and recallibrate it yourself or set the temp to that 4 degress less than what its truly heating at, meaning set at 24 to heat at 28. I have a couple of heaters set like that. I test them with a glass thermometer to make sure its the right temp I desire.

Digital thermometers can be out by degrees as well so unless you've tested it against a glass one, dont trust it either.


Apr 15, 2011
new castle
Do a google search on Marina Aqua - Minder
They not cheap but an alarm does sound off when temps get too high or low.
Good insurance on the more expensive tanks of fish. :)
I had been to the Aquarium,Hunter pets close to my home and they had a little zapper which uses infrared red beams to sense the temp,and then displays it on indicator also the ph if you dip it in the tank it has a two point probe costs around $270,you can thus check many tanks in less time.
there is also the maintenance of the probes regarding cleaning in special solutions.:yes::D