Ok. I need a bit of advise. I am planning on setting up a 20 gallon long for my clown plecos. I am planning on low light, no CO2, minimal ferts, if any, and lots of DW with plants on it. I am thinking lots of Java Fern, A. nana 'petite', and maybe some moss. I may throw a couple of crypts in there, but not really sure yet. I think I just want to stick with stuff I can tie to DW. If I do crypts I will use Eco Complete for the substrate and a HOB. If I don't, I have a few options.
If I don't go that route, I plan on using this for my substrate. Maybe and inch or so of it. Now, if I do that, I can go 2 ways with the filter.
1) Use a HOB filter, most likely an AquaClear 30. I love these filters, but don't think it will give me good flow in a longer tank. I could also throw a small power head in the tank as well and would be willing to.
2) A UGF powered by a power head. If I do that, I will not be able to do any plants in the substrate.
What are your thoughts on all this?
If I don't go that route, I plan on using this for my substrate. Maybe and inch or so of it. Now, if I do that, I can go 2 ways with the filter.
1) Use a HOB filter, most likely an AquaClear 30. I love these filters, but don't think it will give me good flow in a longer tank. I could also throw a small power head in the tank as well and would be willing to.
2) A UGF powered by a power head. If I do that, I will not be able to do any plants in the substrate.
What are your thoughts on all this?