An update for you. These couple of pictures are of my 'newly' arrived
Panaque armbrusteri who has settled in well, but is very secretive, so these pics were taken in the dark guided by torch light, hence they are rubbish. But it's all I have atm. I'm really pleased to have him, I've wanted one for ages, so thanks to Alan (Silverdub) for getting it for me.
I think he is a proper
Panaque armbrusteri, as opposed to a Xingu. The eyes seem a duller red and lacks the rusty/red colour in it's fins (minus the caudal). You may have thought I would numb to Panaque poo, but he produces really impressive amounts in spite of being 5-6cm. Hasn't shown much interest in veg yet (haven't tried dried foods) but there is enough wood surface for him atm.
I took the majority of the wood out of my main tank to catch one of my fellas, so consequently I saw my fish!
This is the fella I caught and moved, George, my first/oldest. The colour around his snout was worrying me, I'll make a thread in the health section about it.