:hi:I cant believe that today is day 17 of this fishless cycle and its almost finished.
Thank youGreat news looks like the tank will be all ready come tomorrow, congarts
im still shocked at how quickly the cycle had been
time truly does fly when your enjoying yourself
i know its had its highs and lows but this tank is going to be great when its finished and the Pardy's and the "Rescue Fish" are making the most of all that space.
Fingers Crossed for tomorrow
:hi:how quickly the nitrites are dropping i wouldn't be surprisedthey do drop rapidly when they start :yes:
when are you planning a shopping trip or is that already sorted :lol:
Awww pooh
TBH i imagine a big ammonia dump like that is similar to what will happen when you've got the fish in and overfed them for the 1st time, i don't imagine the fish will only create 2-4 ppm ammonia, maybe its less i'm no expert on this but if your nitrates have been dropping well for the past few days then i believe your cycle is pretty much complete and your bacteria levels are near enough adequate for the task.
Hope the "family problem" wasn't major