Hi all me and bubbles have some good news we are finally putting our fish in the big tank this afternoon :woohoo: :woohoo: its been a long and sometimes difficult cycle but its over :clap: :clap:
We have learned alot from doing this fishless cycle we made a few mistakes :wb

most of them by me, a big sorry to my very paitent wife bubbles love you babe <3) but we have learned from them which can only be a good thing for any future tanks we may get, although this has certainly cured me of my multiple tank sydrome (if only in the short term !)
We would like to thank all the people on here that have helped with advice over the last few weeks and another big thanks to smithrc for the help with the reseal :clap: thank you all very much.
We will get some pics of the fish in their new home and post them on here soon ok
many thanks again