Please help, I don't know what to do...I have had a Pleco and a Painted turtle in a 50 gallon tank for over 6 years now and they have always gotten along...In fact when my daughter brought home the turtle it was just the size of a half dollar, so im assuming it was a baby. As the turtle got older,( he is the size of my palm right now) he started doing this weird thing with the Pleco where he would get in front of his face and do this waving motion with his hands, I found out this was a mating ritual they do with the female turtles..At times he would nip at his fins but that is about all he ever did and they have co-existed quite nicely...Up until the other day when I went in there to feed them and noticed both eyes were completely gone on the Pleco. They are just holes now, nothing is there. I called 2 vets (one was my own) and one said to put him down, that he was probably suffering and my vet said, just watch him for a few days, that there a fish that can exist with no eyes, and if hes eating ok and moving around ok he should be fine...She said they really don't know if Fish feel pain. Now i'm no smarty when it comes to these types of creatures...My daughter bought this algae sucker when she was like 16 and is now 28...She has moved out gotten married and the algae sucker has stayed with me..I keep the tank clean, I change it every few weeks, I have a heater in there, plants, gravel, filter. feed him algae wafers, sometimes lettuce, veges. and hes always been ok. But I don't know what to do with him not having any eyes..Im just a newbie with all this and I don't want him to be suffering, but I don't want to put him down if I don't have to either. So please is there anyone here that can help me with this and let me know what on earth I should do. Thank you so much for any help that you can offer. Nikki