The thing told me to say Hi and introduce myself so...


New Member
Aug 5, 2013
Hey! I'm Waffleesszz!
I'm a complete newbie to plecos. In fact, I have never owned one before! I feel that before I dedicate myself to buying a particular species, I should know all I can about its care and requirements :clap: so here I am!
Um, I have no idea how this works. Can I post questions here? Best not. That was rhetorical, by the way. :thumbup:
Great to be part of the community (kind of?) and I hope someday when I'm more experienced in keeping and possibly (in the far, far, FAR future) breeding plecos and can help those in my current position to the best of my ability!! :D


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
hi waffle, :welcome:

It is great that you are doing research BEFORE you purchase your plecs. You will need to know what size it becomes at aduthood to be sure you have adequate tank space. Also the water perferred-ph and temp, tankmates etc. all so you know what is a good fit for you tank/tanks. Yes , if you love them it is difficult to just keep 1 tank ! So read back the old forums here , a great way to learn and check the profiles so you know the size ,and what they need to eat as some are veggies only some are protien and some need both. Lots to learn. Good luck and any questions , just ask on the approprate thread. :hi:


Aug 24, 2013
South Australia
Hi and Welcome

Hi Waffle

I'm new on here too and totally agree about researching first. I've found that has helped me so much in all my fish keeping so far. Mind you, sometimes it's hard to know exactly which advice to follow as there seem to be conflicting opinions on certain things. Go with what you believe to be right and as long as you have researched as much as you can, then give it a go. There is still a lot of trial and error even after you thought you did enough research.

Good luck and welcome...


Apr 15, 2011
new castle
Hey! I'm Waffleesszz!
I'm a complete newbie to plecos. In fact, I have never owned one before! I feel that before I dedicate myself to buying a particular species, I should know all I can about its care and requirements :clap: so here I am!
Um, I have no idea how this works. Can I post questions here? Best not. That was rhetorical, by the way. :thumbup:
Great to be part of the community (kind of?) and I hope someday when I'm more experienced in keeping and possibly (in the far, far, FAR future) breeding plecos and can help those in my current position to the best of my ability!! :D
:welcome: to the planet of plecos