Sounds like they are on the mend for ya sean:clap: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, but im sure you don't need it. Keep us updated:hi:
:hi: Weasel, I currently have everything crossed :wacko:so its nice to have the support bud:thumbup:
This issue all came about because of datanoid's. I got an offer to buy 10 baby dats that I couldnt refuse. I have one dat that is 2 years old and addicted to blood worm (costs me £1.25 every meal time:wb
. I have starved him for a 6week period befor but he just wont eat anything else, ate a mussle once and spat it back out, then fasted for a week. Sooooo the guy said the babys would eat anything and one method is to mix the fish together and the competition for food would spur mine on to eat.
So, I picked up the 10 babys. But at the same time the guy gave me a deal I couldnt pass up on another 8" dat. Now I had the issue of where to put him as the 10 babies went in the QT tank for a bit of growing on. Didnt want to put the dat in there as he would have them as midnight snacks:cry:so trusting the private seller I put him in my show tank. Mistake.
Anyway, thats the little story of how to nearly kill of a tank full of your prized panaque.
nb.On the second night after introducing the new dat, my dat (snook) ate 6 mussles in a row. FFS.