Hi everyone my Tetratec Ex1200 has started leaking from the lid just dripping out at the mo :wb: but has already soaked the inside of the Rio 400 cabinet luckily the missus spotted it as I was at work
I've decided to change it for an Eheim at least I know that wont give any trouble
I could change the seals but dont want to risk it
Which eheim would you guys reccomend as a staight replacement ?
At the mo I'm running in addition to the 1200 an Eheim ecco 2233 and Juwel internal filter as well as a fluval 4 plus internal
there are 5 plecos in the tank including 2 royals
I've decided to change it for an Eheim at least I know that wont give any trouble
I could change the seals but dont want to risk it
Which eheim would you guys reccomend as a staight replacement ?
At the mo I'm running in addition to the 1200 an Eheim ecco 2233 and Juwel internal filter as well as a fluval 4 plus internal
there are 5 plecos in the tank including 2 royals