One of my cardinals has lost it's red colour over the last 2 weeks. It doesn't appear to be ill in any other way, is schooling with the others and eating and pooping as normal. Nothing has changed in my tank for months so nothing for it to be stressed about. Water perameters stable and ok ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, pH 7.2, 25% water changes weekly. It seems fine apart from colour. I didn't want to quarantine because if he was stressed to hoik him out would probably add to the stress and see him off. But then I decided to start looking things up, and to my horror, although I thought that cardinals were immune, neon tetra diseas often starts with loss of red colour in neons! I know how devastating neon tetra disease is so I've taken the risk and quarantined. I am now hoping that he pulls his socks up and colors up again. Of course if he dies I wont know if it's because I've quarantined him or if he had NTD.
Anybody got any other ideas?? I believe there is no treatment for NTD?
Anybody got any other ideas?? I believe there is no treatment for NTD?