After Stans suggestion of moving the far left rock i had a think and set about moving it. Looks better IMO. The remaining plants arrived (hair grass and another bunch of vallis nana) so i planted those.
I was using Easycarbo from the outset and didnt think it would cause any problems, However looking on another forum i found out this is pretty potent stuff and that it "melts" Vallis species....Not good as this was my choice of background plant. Unfortunately the easycarbo did melt the first lot of Vallis and i stopped using it. I think it also had an adverse effect on Pogostemon Helferi as a few of the leaves turned mushy. So i am now looking to get a pressurised CO2 kit.
I also separated the Hemianthus callitrichoides into individual plantlets, a big pain to do but better in the long run.
Heres the tank with ALL the plants minus a few vallis nana
And a shot of the Hemianthus pearling after a cool water change.