
Apr 6, 2010
plymouth england
anyone out there with fish houses? what do you use to heat and insulate my old house i used tube heaters and polystyrene on the walls, the electric bills were still quite high. if there is anything out there that is cheaper to run could you let me know cheers mike:D
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Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Devon, UK
i'm still half way through building mine, but know what i'm using.

i've built the walls up using timber frames, i'm using 6mm double foiled insulation (bubble wrap with foil on either side) 6mm of this is supposed to be as good as 50mm of normal insulation

I'm putting one layer on each side of the walls, and sandwiched between these, i'm putting 75mm expanded polystyrene sheets, the ceiling will also have the 75mm sheets of polystyrene and a layer of the foil stuff.

i've just fitted a radiator in the room too for heating.
it should heat it well and keep it really well insulated, but as its not all built yet, i can't say just how well it works.


Apr 21, 2009
Newport Pagnell
i've just fitted a radiator in the room too for heating.
You go steady with those spanners! :eek:

I've not really started my new room yet - but I have given this a bit more thought this time round....

In the last "shed" I had kingspan all round (walls, floor and ceiling too) and the just the tanks running kept it pretty warm in there - but I was heating the room rather than the room heating the tanks... and it was all electric.

With the new room (moved house) I have just had the boiler moved - out of the room it was in and into the end of the garage... in the middle of the end wall of the soon to be fish room.... just the heat from the boiler will help, but I am planning on installing a system running from it, with its own heating pump and thermostat, so that it works seperatly from the rest of the house.

What I'm also going to do it setup a system to heat a sump so that the tanks as well as the room will be heated using gas... hopefully it'll be a lot cheaper than electric.

I'll be using kingspan in the new walls being built - and some of the bubble foil on the existing external wall.

Jo Crane

Apr 23, 2009
I used 4" thick King Span installation then cortex bubble foil on top on all the walls and the ceiling sealed with insulation tape it is toasty warm only the bottom tanks have heaters that are active the rest maintain a stable temp I used a 1.5kw oil radiator in the winter as a back up but it rarely comes on and is now stored away. In around 10 weeks the whole lots getting pulled / stripped down if anyone within collecting distance can make use of any of the insulation materials they will be welcome to it.
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Retired Staff
Aug 9, 2009
West Midlands
My fishroom is a sectioned off part of an integral garage which also has the central heating boiler in so not cold by any means. I made the partitian out of timber and 2" thick polystyrene sheeting and polythene sheeting. I am however considering adding a layer of this bubble foil insulation just to see if I can get it a bit warmer and turn the heaters down as the other half complains about the electric bill :whistle: