Hi all, been looking at HMA filters but im stuck between either a Devotedly Discus HMA 20 or the RO-Man HMA 2000. Anyone got any hands on experience with either or know which is better. Thanks
There website is still running so thats a bit weird, so it will probly have to be the DD HMA then. Im now going to get the 80c which removes Chloramines as well as Chlorine as my area uses both.that is true
RO Man emailed me bk today saying that if I wanted a HMA filter he would make it to order. Must be winding down maybe!!!I believe RO Man are no more?
Andrew I can get the parts dirt cheap if your interested. My mate works for a RO company. I can ship them to you aswellWhere do you get parts to make a RO/HMA filter ?
The metal plate holding my three pods together is well worn and rusty, and i think it will break the next time i am changing filters.
I believe that someone has purchased the business and started up again, dont quote me on that but from threads on Practical fishkeeping forum it seems RO Man is up and running again.What a shame the RO man is winding down? great customer service from them in the past.