Is putting a backing or painting the back/sides of a tank necessary and if so why? I was speaking to somebody yesterday about this and was wondering what your thoughts are :dk:
I've only got a backing on my zebs tank which has rock formation and plants and its really only for me to make it look nicer as half the time all you see are caves with the odd tail poking out so its something to look at
I will eventualy get round to doing the other tanks as when I take photos you can see wires and filter tubes etc behind the tank :wb:
I was wondering if having a backing on would make the fish feel more secure? although nothing moves at the back of the tank.
I've only got a backing on my zebs tank which has rock formation and plants and its really only for me to make it look nicer as half the time all you see are caves with the odd tail poking out so its something to look at
I was wondering if having a backing on would make the fish feel more secure? although nothing moves at the back of the tank.