Plants suitable for pleco/display tank?


Feb 17, 2010
Central Vic, Australia
Hi All,

Just wondering what plants will hold up to plecos??? I am in the process of setting up a 8x2x2.. mainly for BN's but some other community fish as well... I have Java fern growing in other tanks to put in, but what else would suit that they wouldn't destroy????


Tener ds

Mar 22, 2010
Crawley (uk)
Hi All,

Just wondering what plants will hold up to plecos??? I am in the process of setting up a 8x2x2.. mainly for BN's but some other community fish as well... I have Java fern growing in other tanks to put in, but what else would suit that they wouldn't destroy????

you might have to super glue them down BN and my L134 have uprooted all but 1 of my plants in my edge :wb:.the 1 they can,t remove is held in place by bogwood.


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
Java Fern is a good one, have a look at Petes' planted sponge link <>. You can do exactly the same with Anubias.

I like lots of moss as well, you can stick it wood, sponges, rocks etc. Xmas moss is a really good ones as it will fasten itself to smooth surfaces (even glass).

Potted Amazon Swords (Echinodorus spp.), put them in a clay pot, and then it is easy to hide with pebbles etc. Other good plants for a current are the Aponogeton species, try Aponogeton ulvaceous, A. boivinianus or A. undulatus, again best potted.

Potamogeton gayi is another one that likes some flow.

cheers Darrel
Some swords wont be left in one piece for long unless its been growing for a long time as the rasping action will stripe the surface of the leaves.

Java fern and moss ( floating )
Anubias any
Most Cryrto they dont seem to get on leaves.
Duckweed or any other floating plants ( help provide shade but can be pain to remove once in tank also not suitable for high current setups )
Wistera ( water sprite ) fast growing does well with any growout tanks helps with high end waste ( as above can be hard to remove once its been in your tank )
Vals if you can let them settle first

Moss yes but caution as to get started and maintained properly you need to tie moss down this can kill and damage pleco's so ok to do but you have been warned.
Some others but only suitable with better lighting which most plecos dont like.

Tips to save plants from damage keep placing in vegetables so plecos have something else to munch on ( other threads about vegetables to feed else where )