Hi everyone my names Kev and im from Warrington im a relative newbie when it comes to the whole fishkeeping in general but recently ive really gotten into the whole fishkeeping mindset. Ive had fish for about a year or so now just the usual Angelfish, Tetras, Gouramis and a Sailfin (I Think) Pleco in my 200lt tank but cant say is ive taken it as seriously as i really should have.
Ive been after an albino pleco for quite a while now but not found any locally as of yet, ive also been looking at a L183 White Seam Pleco as i think they are visually stunning but facinating creatures
Ive been after an albino pleco for quite a while now but not found any locally as of yet, ive also been looking at a L183 White Seam Pleco as i think they are visually stunning but facinating creatures