my fishroom project


Apr 20, 2010
Sydney AUS 2206
hello Pp people i have decided to create a fish room main reason is to get the fish out of the house second is save money in the long run!

well i have decided to covert my laundry into a laundry/fishroom hopefully it can end up being just a fish room lol

here are the pics
external pic

some of the bits

internal with wireing started

it was much more messy before i cleaned it lol

so you can get an idea of what is going to happen or more the plan from were the door starts there will be a insulated 3x1.5 studed wall and a door window will be sheeted with perspex most likelly from the inside and out
wireing shown will lead to 4 powerpoints on each corner and a fluorecent light in the middle of the ceiling
roof will be re sheeted with corrugated iron with a wierly bird on a vent and internal sheets will be villaboard or some sort of water proof sheeting
all frames for the rack set ups i will make out of 4x2 timber

i am trying to not spend too much on this for i know in a year or so it will be changed again hopefully bigger!

tanks so fare
4- 3x2x2
3- 2.5x2x2
1- 6x1.8x2.5

4 smaller
2 2x1x2
1 3x2x1

i am going to get a couple of standered 4 footers to make a rack holding 3 4's for grow out ? i like to keep each batch seprate so im guessing divide each 4 into 3 sections with water to flow through to each section

step by step proccess hopefully

next plan is to build the dividing wall then sheet everything!

then repair and paint everything

then take off all roof sheets lay insulation and new roof sheets with wierly bird !

in the mean time all electrical would be done and hopefully some of the racks lol

i hope you guys like

thank you


Apr 20, 2010
Sydney AUS 2206
Thanks you the laundry total is about 6 metre's 2.2 wide but the fishroom section will be 3metre's x 2.2 im still not sure where the wall will end up but about those measurements

iv been very busy so there has been no process tomorro il try get the frames made and fixed in place

what do you think about a sliding door?
it is my best option for room tho im worried about heat loss as it has no seal?
i guess i know the answer :)


Apr 20, 2010
Sydney AUS 2206
this room is still not finnished il take some new pics and post them soon
lol its been `10months '

that sucks better pull the finger out over the next couple months!


Pleco Profiles Team - RIP FRIEND
May 1, 2009
The laundry room bit is what worries me
Your keeping fish and you wash cloths and things were do you get the time?


Apr 20, 2010
Sydney AUS 2206
The laundry room bit is what worries me
Your keeping fish and you wash cloths and things were do you get the time?
somebody once tried to talk to me about sleep but didnt understand ? lol

nah i am very simple

wash a load before i sleep then when i wake up i throw it in the dryer then i put a new load in so it ready for me after work! :wb:

i tend to forget washing in the washing machine :wb: then i have to was it again so fish in there will garantee clean cloths :whistle:

this is an old photo but this is what it looks like now

i need to paint the floor
paint window last coat
seal window both sides with perspex
instal a sliding door thinking about plastic aswell hanging down like cool rooms have

but then thats it build racks place in tanks(oh need to paint tanks)
install all plumbing to sumps
then intall air line (pvc tube around the roof or something?)

then cycle time with old water from tanks lol

should look nice