Still no use


Jan 10, 2010
Urgh. Right after the week and a half of melafix and now finishing the eSHa dose the 2 are not improving. It's the large Sterbai and the panda. What now? They look in distress and it crossed my mind to 'help' them go. What would you do? Thanks


Jun 23, 2011
New Jersey
One of my angelfish has been battling some type of fungus. At least that's what I suspect it is. No one can figure out what it is but I'm going w/ fungus. In any event (and I think Brengun) mentioned this, I netted the fish and swabbed the fungus w/ Malachite Green. I was told to use Methylene Blue but its not for sale in the state of NJ and I figured that by the time I ordered it online, the fish would be a real mess. I was told that Methylene Blue was a broader spectrum antibiotic and better to use, so I would have used that instead if I could have purchased it locally. I swabbed the area every other day (netting the fish was a big pain in the butt) but I started to finally see a big change. Then I went away on vacation so no one was cleaning the fungus and when I came back it flared up again but not nearly as bad as it had been. I'm wondering if you swab the area with an antifungal if it would help. I started doing this again since I came back and it's healing again. What I do is I dip a towel into the tank and get the towel very wet, I net the fish and leave it in the net but I lay the net on the wet towel, I swab the wound w/ a q-tip that's been dipped in MG (get a decent amount of med on q-tip), wait 10 to 12 seconds and then put him back constant pwc's, which I know you've been doing. Don't know if it would help you, but perhaps its a last resort :dk:


Jan 10, 2010
Will try and get hold of that. I'm at a loss now, I've tried those that I thought would help. Will see if maidenhead can get it in


Jun 23, 2011
New Jersey
Perhaps Iodine might work? :dk: That's what I thought Brengun had suggested in a previous post but I can't remember for sure. I'm not even sure if it's safe to put iodine directly on a fish, so double check that first. IMO, I just thought that swabbing the area directly was very helpful. I'm not sure if there's another antifungal that you can use and that would be easier for you to purchase locally, but all I'm getting at is to try cleaning the wound directly. I really hope your cory pulls through.


Jul 24, 2009
However I've been doing daily water changes for weeks and no improvement
The reason I said to water change daily was more to give the fish a rest from meds as you said they didn't look good and you've been medicating for weeks and it hasn't helped ...Sometimes good water and plenty aeration will be of more benefit to the fish at this time....Give the topical treatments that's been suggested as this may just work...betadine is one that Brengun used to heal a L201.
You can also find that fungus can be a secondary infection with parasites being the real culprit, if this is the case and you wish to carry on treating the water, Esha 2000 can be used in conjunction with Esha Exit to cover an even greater number of issues.


Jun 23, 2011
New Jersey
As D-Mac suggested I agree that maybe some good clean water and airation along with topically treating the fish may be the way to go at this point, especially since you haven't seen improvement with meds. I have cured fish with very limited meds and super clean water. My common pleco once bit a chunk out of my angelfish and while I qt'd and medicated the fish, I did daily pwc's for several weeks and I truly believe that the daily pwc's helped more than the meds.

When a fish gets sick, it can truly be a horror. It feels as though it goes on forever and ever. Then you worry about the domino effect and that the other fish will catch whatever is going around. Between buying meds, daily pwc's, worrying about other fish catching can become exhausting...and expensive. I'm treating my angelfish tank for hex right now. One has fungus and hex and another has just hex...:wb: Today has been the first day where I feel as though they're looking much better. I guess there's hope!


Jun 23, 2011
New Jersey
That's great to hear!!! Did you topically treat them yet or just pwc's with no meds? I'm telling you, sometimes those daily pwc's do pay off :yes: