Hi Folks
I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good bacterial medicine/remedy for my ailing zebs?
Ive had 6 of them in a 90 litre tank for the past 2 and a bit years and have grown them on from 6 months old till decmeber without any problems, then suddenly the usual signs of something been wrong began to happen such as rapid breathing, loss of appetite and looking rather thin, amongst other things.Apart from frayed fins on one of the dead zebs there wasnt any visible signs of illness such as redness,swelling so im leaning towards a bacterial problem of some sort. Api test kit shows no Ammonia,Nitrite,Nitrate problems and the PH/TDS meter is showing regular results,after my largest 3"+ zeb died I did a 5 day course with myxazin and i was hopeful things would improve, then another died and another this morning. i had a few L270 fry in there that had been living with them for 6 months with no problems and these showed no signs of illness or distress whatso ever:dk: ive since moved these into a small 60 litre so i can concentrate on my remaining zebra's.
Any tips on the next course of treatment? water changes are 2 x 20% weekly standard and have been for 2 years, filtration is external, graveless bottoms same as all my hypan tanks, i lost 6 x l400 adults recently due to a stuck on heater so id like to save these 3 if possible!
I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good bacterial medicine/remedy for my ailing zebs?
Ive had 6 of them in a 90 litre tank for the past 2 and a bit years and have grown them on from 6 months old till decmeber without any problems, then suddenly the usual signs of something been wrong began to happen such as rapid breathing, loss of appetite and looking rather thin, amongst other things.Apart from frayed fins on one of the dead zebs there wasnt any visible signs of illness such as redness,swelling so im leaning towards a bacterial problem of some sort. Api test kit shows no Ammonia,Nitrite,Nitrate problems and the PH/TDS meter is showing regular results,after my largest 3"+ zeb died I did a 5 day course with myxazin and i was hopeful things would improve, then another died and another this morning. i had a few L270 fry in there that had been living with them for 6 months with no problems and these showed no signs of illness or distress whatso ever:dk: ive since moved these into a small 60 litre so i can concentrate on my remaining zebra's.
Any tips on the next course of treatment? water changes are 2 x 20% weekly standard and have been for 2 years, filtration is external, graveless bottoms same as all my hypan tanks, i lost 6 x l400 adults recently due to a stuck on heater so id like to save these 3 if possible!