Back with an updated stock list.


Apr 23, 2009
Shenzhen, China
Due to work constraints and lost interest from January to july i gradually shut down all but one of my 7 tanks, keeping only my favorite fish in my 200gallon cube. Changed jobs in august and got more time at home and the spark came back..:clap: So here is the list and pics to come as I learn to use my new phone and computer links.
* is stock kept from before.
200 gallon cube:
2x Oscars8-10"
1x Hypotomus sp. 10"
1x hemibagrus nemurus 11"
*3x clown loach 4"-7"

110 Gallon:
*1x BGK 13"
*1x Red Serurum 11"
1x Gibby 7"
*1x l001 12"
*3x bronze cory
2x male marble cons

70 gallon
*1x L114 5"
1X female King Kong Parrot4"
2xfemale convicts 3-3.5"
1x Synodontus eupterus 4-5"
2x albino Senegal bichirs 6-7"

20 gallon
20+ convict grow outs
1x Xanthic CAE 3+"

15 gallon
30-40 King Kong Parrot/marbled convict hybrid fry

2.5 gallon nano
1x betta
?x snails

2 gallon nano
1x betta

That's about it, provided I can keep the site loading I' post pics as I take them.

In my business
80 gallon
2x angel fish 2-2.5"
1x paratilapia pollini 2"
will move the bichirs to this tank and the angels to my 20 once the fry are big enough for the 70 at home.
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