big disaster i am gutted


Sep 2, 2011
Have a look at this video. It was posted by Paul Talbot who is one of the owners of Majestic Aquarium, It is all about the product Easy-Life.

[ame=""]302 Found[/ame]


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
thanks Vuk, that is exactly what they sent me...appreciate the now i have it on hand and no expiration date..good news. thanks again,



Dec 2, 2011
Sorry for your losses. I've gotta have a rethink on what gets sprayed around the house now, and remind everyone the do's and dont's of keeping fish.

Last year we went on a quick midweek break and left my son in charge of all the pets and fish. We went on Monday morning - got a phone call noon Thursday that 3 out of 4 of the piranha were dead. Spent a harrowing half hour on phone explaining to him and his mates how to do a water change and get all the uneaten food out. Turns out he had overfed them prawns. Came home Friday and tank still full of decomposing food and a horrible stinking pink coloured water.

He had also flushed the dead ones down the loo and blocked it!!

Remaining piranha still going strong but cant find any same size to keep it company now, although it used to be very stressful watching the 4 of them chasing and bullying each other. They had already eaten 2 of their siblings.



Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
wow, seems too many of these accidents happen, and we end up heartbroken, and our fish have not had the chance to live out their normal lifespans. As a keeper , i feel so responsible, still difficult to look at the empty 54g , but cycling now and will restock.

As for future overnight visits from my mother-in-law, we plan to control all her meds,incl the inhaler, we will take other precautions also. We both can't trust another accidential ''mishap'', esp with 3 tanks in the house. I know i am not at ease the entire time she is here, so we are stocking up on Pepto.
When i get the 2 new L128's ,i'm thinking ''chains''---for the tank, not her.

To be serious , i am not comfortable getting them ,knowing she will be spending time here, more in the summer when i am off work, but i dont want to hurt my husband's feelings, and i could never tell him she cant come..( .he was pretty upset too)... so i have been delaying things, didnt start to re-cycle till recently , and will try to delay picking them up,even when tank is ready..
I am sure i couldnt go through this again.
Thanks for all your support , input and advice, ..means a lot



Jan 14, 2011
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Farrrrrr superior products on the market compared to that stuff.

I don't think it does half of what they claim. This is my personal opinion though and I'm not trying to change anyones thoughts of the product.

Second how does it remove anything? Most conditions are not removing the chems they just neutralize them so they're no longer harmful. Most of the time it's accomplished by a chemical reaction. I'm no expert on this subject but I can see BS when it's infront of me.

Edit- I don't think adding anything other then fresh clean conditioned water and a whole crap load of purigen or carbon would of helped. You'd also have to be able to predict the future to stop random things like this from happening.

I know it sucks losing fish but once you get the new ones you'll soon forget the pain of the loses

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Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
I was wondering if it might help if your airpump was mounted much higher than the tank, like on a high little shelf?

With lids on the tank to stop sprays entering direct and the airpump intake up high away from heavier airborne sprays, it might make a difference?


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
Hi Bren, well there are 3 air pumps under the cabinet, they run fine..and the top is all glass , except the back ""V"" shape ,as it is a corner/trigon, so that is plastic , so it can be cut to fit HOB'S. I am still trying to figure out some things before i restock, and i know i need to build up the biomedia for the larger L128's, and I am also thinking of adding a little chiclid gravel to keep my ph up, as it drops so quickly ,and tired of changing crushed coral every 2 weeks. The tank is not quite ready , however , when my mother-in - law visits, we turn the lights off and i put a towel on the top. We also take all her meds and hold , no freedom for her to just get her meds when visiting. This has put my mind at some ease, and she has not gone near the other 2 tanks, however, their lights are nowhere near as bright and long as the 54g. Still we are always keeping watch.

I could put the air pumps on the mantle , it's a tad higher than the tank and we don't use the fireplace. So that is a thought ...thanks .. the ''dry runs'' with no fish have gone fine, but i fear when stocked, it will wear me down... just never know , no matter how much we prepare.... hope i am thinking of/covering everything possible. So glad others were willing to share thier similar experiences as some i would never have thought of.

Thanks again Bren... Georgie