wow, seems too many of these accidents happen, and we end up heartbroken, and our fish have not had the chance to live out their normal lifespans. As a keeper , i feel so responsible, still difficult to look at the empty 54g , but cycling now and will restock.
As for future overnight visits from my mother-in-law, we plan to control all her meds,incl the inhaler, we will take other precautions also. We both can't trust another accidential ''mishap'', esp with 3 tanks in the house. I know i am not at ease the entire time she is here, so we are stocking up on Pepto.
When i get the 2 new L128's ,i'm thinking ''chains''---for the tank, not her.
To be serious , i am not comfortable getting them ,knowing she will be spending time here, more in the summer when i am off work, but i dont want to hurt my husband's feelings, and i could never tell him she cant come..( .he was pretty upset too)... so i have been delaying things, didnt start to re-cycle till recently , and will try to delay picking them up,even when tank is ready..
I am sure i couldnt go through this again.
Thanks for all your support , input and advice, ..means a lot