Bloat dilemma :-\


New Member
Jun 18, 2015
Rhode Island
Hi everyone!
So I'm going to try to remember all pertinent information here, but my Gibbiceps (Sailfin) seems to be experiencing an issue with bloat.

Tank info: pH 5.5, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates appear to be less than 20ppm. (Using API Fresh water master kit). Temp is kept at 78 degrees Fahrenheit
30 gal tank about 8 years old. Current tank has been cycled for about 2 years. Tank is currently housing my Gibbiceps measuring about 7 inches long, 2 Columbian tetras, 1 Rosey barb, 1 Pristella tetra, 1 Black angel, 1 Koi marble angel (both angels are about 3 inches in diameter), 1 Rummy nose tetra and 1 neon tetra.

Using AquaPlus for dechlorination and Bausmann Tonic. Water change with hydroclean every 4-5 weeks (7 gallon change. Works well for my system) Filter is a Marineland Penguin 200. Filter cartridge is changed 3-4 days after tank maintenance.

Pleco has swollen abdomen. Is still moving around, but has no interest in eating. I feed a combination of Tetra Algae flakes with Spirulina, Omega One Tropical Flakes, Omega One Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp cubes, Omega One Veggie Tablets, Frozen Brine and Live Brine on occasion. There are 2 decent sized pieces of driftwood in the tank for Pleco as well. I'm a big fan of using natural remedies in the tank so I've already tried, peas and zucchini with no luck. I've been holding off on the Baumann's for now just incase that may be affecting the Pleco. I'm thinking about trying an Epsom salt dip next? Was thinking about also trying Maracyn 2, but I don't have a quarantine tank any longer. I FINALLY have had a good 2 year run with decent tank parameters so I am worried about medicating an entire tank.

I can post a picture as soon as I figure out how to do it in the forums. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions :)


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
Decrease the food to the others a little bit so the pleco gets none and observe for about a week and see if that belly goes down.
I have some L201's absolutely fat. It takes a long time to get it down. I have been feeding half feeds for weeks and their bellies still aren't down.
They need Jenny Craig I think.


New Member
Jun 18, 2015
Rhode Island
Lol!!! Ok I'll cut back on feeding for a bit. About how long should I let this continue before trying something else? This issue has been ongoing now for about 2 weeks.


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
You could look into worming with Kusuri Plus discus wormer. Since you have had him a while a worm burden could have established. It is very mild and won't hurt the other fish or kill any good bio in the tank.