Brengun tanks (warning 28 pics)


Nov 13, 2013
Hey Brengun I am in the process of setting up a peppermint fish room and was interested whether i use gravel,sand or 3mm gold substrate like your tanks.Also I am in the process of painting the tanks black.Should I paint the sides of my tanks as well.



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Apr 22, 2009
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
Updated pics. Pretty much the same but a few less tanks atm and no gravel for nasty trumpet snails to take over in. Filtration is all eheim classic canisters, eheim internal pickups and air sponge filters. Working on adding k1 to the air sponge filters atm.
Juvie L278 & L397 grow out 4ft

Zeb breeding colony 4ft

L201 colony 4ft

L066 juvi grow out and batchelor males 4ft

2nd zeb colony 4ft

L270 breeding colony 4ft. Tank is only 12 inches high.

Young L260 tank 4ft

Breeding trio L066 4ft

Bristlenose 3ft

L201 3ft

L201 breeder 3ft

Marine tank at night after lights off

Zeb fry growout 3ft. Also has a betta male.

L260 adult tank 4ft

L397 adult breeder tank 4ft (think my camera battery was konking out.)

L128 blue phantom tank

Top 4ft vampire tank

Bottom 4ft vampire tank (the food containers are for rationing out daily portions to each tank if I am away for a few days. Carer just opens a lid and drops food in.)

L333 4ft

L129 & L278 tank 4ft

L134 4ft