Hello everybody! This is my pleco Swim shady. Truthfully, he was a gift to me from someone about a year ago who didn’t tell me anything about the upkeep nor did I do any research on my part . I recently had a terrible ammonia scare with him (gasping for air at surface & laying on side) where I started to do so much research on plecos. In the first picture, you can clearly see the ammonia poisoning wounds & the second pic where I was using an LED light majority of the time. Since then, I have not been using the LED light, and don’t plan to anymore since I’ve read they are black water fish. I also bought a water siphon for the gravel, driftwood for fiber, and ammonia remover to improve water quality. His coloration has changed drastically & I was wondering if this is a good sign? The wounds have not fully healed, it’s only been a few days since I applied the ammonia remover.