Ok guys if you dont mind could tweak your brains. currently my above two fry are in an extremely large net, its size could catch a pretttty large fish, here is where they are:
I am wondering whether to move them to spacious quarters such as these?
Realistically I know the answer is probably yes as they cant get through the holes and the space would be good for them. The reason asking is Im nervous. I had the breeder trap with a pair of tights instead of the netting provided and raised my pygmy fry in it up to 6-7 weeks. I decided then they were large enough (at this point had 3-4) so did as in the pic, original netting and then tights at the bottom to help snare the food so they could graze at leisure. Within a couple of days they died and unsure whether it was coincidence that the netting had been changed or that also when they died my adults started dropping like flies too (something to do with the pygmies only).
Im really anxious to raise my pretties to adulthood and want to know when they would be safe out of the woods of typical fry death and also if moving them would be bad? Sorry to sound crazy! Last night forgot to give them their night time feed and ended up getting out of bed especially to do it.
p.s. Also to add that found 10 new eggs this morning so here is hoping for some new frylets.