High nitrates can be bad especially for young fish. What are the tap water reading for nitrate?
Just checked nitrates and reading is 0ppm for nitrate.
how long has your carbon been in your filter for? Try getting rid of it and use macropore/purign or a new lot of carbon
When i pulled the filters apart only one had a carbon pad in it the other had no carbon what so ever. So have only just added a fresh lot of activated carbon within in past 5 days.
This is not a good solution. While it is somewhat immediate it's nothing more than a bandaid. You need to get down to the bottom of the problem and figure out why you have a nitrate problem to begin with. Adding de-nitrate media will simply help for awhile but eventually the media will become saturated and need to be replaced. Some medias will even begin dumping what its adsorbed back into the tank. Thus, you need to constantly monitor your levels and keep replacement media on hand.
Nitrates come from waste breakdown or some even have high levels in their tap water. If it comes from fish waste and you need to do 25% water changes every 2 days to control it then either you tanks are to oheavily stocked or you just need to continue with the water changes as regular manitenance. If you tap water has high nitrates than you need to look for an alternate source of replacement water or other methods to pretreat your water.
I have a standard 4 foot tank consisting of an aquis 1200 CF and an aquis 1000 CF, 3 large sponge filters. I was previously also running an aqua one liquid filter which was 1000ltr/hr but has since been removed (before i noticed i had this problem??).
Tank currently contains 4 adult peppermints, 1 adult guppy and 3 guppy fry. I keep it barebottom as i gravel vac it every day with my eheim gravel vac to remove waste. 4 pieces of small driftwood and about 6-7 anubias plants.
The only things which changed immediately prior to this problem was the removal of the liquid filter and i didnt gravel vacc for 2 days. I removed the dead fry as soon as i seen them also.
I cleaned my sponge filters today and one of them literally turned the water neaarly black so perhaps the waste in the sponge may of added to it a slight deal?
Thank you all for your replies. I am going to retest my tank in a couple of hours after water change settles down.