Manzanita seems to be the one type my panaque go crazy over. They actually go after new pieces like you just dropped in some tasty pellets.
Should have looked at location, I'm not sure about Australian species, and I think a lot of natives (Wattles (Acacia spp), Eucalyptus globulus, Callistemon, Melaleuca) are too resinous to work as food.Alder, Willow, Aspen, Birch, Cherry, Beech, Maple, Apple would be fine, Pine or spruce, Rhododendron etc are not suitable.
This isn't going to work for "food wood", you actually want the soft fungal bits for the Panaques to eat. Boiling it will destroy its food value.Just remember if you are going to use wood from creeks or bushland it is recommended you boil it for a few days just so you don't introduce any kind of disease or parasites into your aquarium and it also removes tannins from the wood to help prevent discoloration of the water.
I understand your concerns, but I'm willing to take the chances of there being parasites, I'm pretty sure it is very small risk.dw1305 the purpose of boiling it to remove or rather kill off any possible bacteria or parasites that may be present in that water system. Even putting it in your own pond is dangerous since it could release those baddies into your pond and that will be impossible to control an outbreak. Better to be safe then sorry.