fry keep dying..Albino bristlenose


Feb 19, 2010
Sydney, Australia
hey bud are you located in sydney? I recently sold a few of my l015's to a fella that had exactly the same problem as you. Sorry to hear of your losses, all you can do is keep trying different things as it's obvious that there's one unknown factor that are causing the fry deaths


Apr 20, 2010
Sydney AUS 2206
when i did the water check it was spot on using the test kits no nitrite - no nitrate no amonia and ph was 7.4 and my tanks all are crystal clear ..and that bristlenose i am telling you about was sick 100% as i said flat (like pancake) fins never to be seen extended and pale and dead in 2 days(skin colour looked like a foggy look hard to is a 4x18x18 tank had 50-60 2-4cm fish now less..
i will try to give more info soon
i used wardleys paraside meds cause many people mentioned gill fluke cause the way they breathing very fast also scratching near gill area...another site mentioned use methalyn blue before using any of these products i do a small water change so it is not doubling up on meds.

How is that posible 0.00 nitrite, nitrate, amonia cant be right !

it is over stocked !

if you can you need to get another tank to separate the fry into there own tank and water once this is done all your fry will servive !

i do hope that you are doing wc's every second day min daily is best !