Hello, anyone know what these guys are?


New Member
Aug 29, 2016
New Hampshire
Found these two in my local Petco being sold as small commons. I've taken a look at quite a few sites and pictures and haven't found anything that resembles them.

They're pretty small, only about 1.5 inches, unsure on age. Coloring is a dark brown almost black and the spots seem to change from a creamy yellow to white. They both have the white tips on the corners of their tails and just the tip of the dorsal fin.

I can't see any growth around the mouth like my albino bristlenoses started getting as they matured.

Pictures aren't the greatest, it was really difficult to catch them sitting still, they seem to be constantly on the go.

Pictures don't want to upload from my phone so here's an imgur link with pics.



Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 15, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
looks like a common bristlenose to me... you do get subtle variations in the fish.... colour can vary a little according to water conditions/parameters and prob even mood as well....
lighter or darker - appear almost grey or black...