Hello! Please help identify my pleco


New Member
Jan 26, 2023
Hi everyone, i’m new to fishkeeping and have recently adopted 2 Plecos that were going to be discarded. I am confident one is a male, albino Bristlenose, however I am unsure of what the other Pleco is. I was told that he is a Pleco by his previous owner and no more information was provided. He is 3 years old approx 6-7” long (though he hides all the time and I have not been able to get an accurate measurement). He likes to hide under the driftwood and is very shy, though does not seem to feed off the driftwood at all. The Bristlenose feeds on the Spider wood and is quite active (moves around the tank somewhat and does not appear to be shy). The reason I am asking is because i’m currently providing algae wafers and shrimp wafers because I am unsure of what species he is. I’d appreciate any input about what species he is and what to feed him.


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Feb 26, 2023
hi and welcome i am john i just joined today and your other pleco is a royal whiptailed catfish and by the look of it is female and ready for breeding and your other one is a short finned albino bristle nose very lovely fish u have