help L128 loosing color


Global Moderators
Staff member
Apr 15, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
external infection is usually isolated to the specific area it affects initially before spreading...

with the symptoms you described its something internal... obviously effecting fishes organs etc... to get an even discolouration throughout the whole fish...

not easy to give advice when you dont physically see the fish with your own eyes but IMO its an internal issue and your only point of attack is to treat for internal parasites/bacterial infection...\

at least you can get most medications... here in australia you are very limited as to whats available without knowing a vet with an interest in fish....

lets hope its something that can be cured... and its not cancer or something you cant reverse :thumbup:


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
thanks bigjohn, have 2 days left for current treatment. Want badly to lift the slate and take a peek. He did eat again last night.

I did treat for internal parasites, the diter fish had them, so I used Paracide X which must be mixed with food(peas) and this med is supposed to kill all internal parasites. I don't see any signs of IP since the treatment. Internal bacteria illness I am not familiar with and if need be, I will have to check on reading up on that and meds available much meds lately :wb: thanks and crossing fingers here .


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
update on blue phantom --well I missed the last day of treament cuz I got hurt at work, and forgot about it when i got home .

So yesterday was last day of fish treatment with the Artemiss for outter bacteria probs. Today I did the 25%wc and vacuum. I removed all the decorations to get a look at him. He looks good, no white patches, and skin looks good, coloring looks good. He ate red bell pepper last night , so things seem ok. I will watch him and my water for the week just to be sure .

sorry, couldn't get a picture as I didn't want to stress him out.

Thanks eveyone for your concern and advice ,this really freaked me but your posts really helped me (and him) pull through .


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
thanks Jackson, yeah, I've near about had enough of all these problems in the 54g. Hope now I can just do my daily routines and enjoy them. He still looks good, comes out sometimes-normal for this guy, and eating a good variety of veggies. Still crossing fingers.

Have decided IF I get more rummy nose tetras I will put them in the q-tank for 6 months and treat with everyting I have treated the 54g for. I really would love a nice school of 20. Big ''if'' though.

Me--getting there, thanks.


Jun 11, 2010
ct ,usa
thanks jk , it was very stessful , new problems kept popping up, and still not sure I am outta the woods yet, but you guys know how much I love my phantoms -same as you guys love your favs, and this one has so much personality, and the other problems showed in the dither fish only , which sucked enough, but when this guy got sick, well I was beyond myself. That is why I thank you all so much for going through it with me. He is so beautiful and so cool . Damn, I felt like a helpless mother hen at times ,but knowing you guys were there kept me from pulling my hair out -that and a beer or two once in a while !