Hey guys, just a quick update.
While we were on holidays last week lapping it up in Newcastle, I had family looking after the feeding of my fish. My mother contacted me on Friday night to tell me that there was bad news with my fish tanks. Because my house had been locked up (no open windows during the day), and we had had hot weather in Townsville, my 2 ft tanks managed to boil most of the inhabitants of each tank.
In one tank, I lost all my Kuhlis - about 6, 10 rummynose tetras, 6 or so neon tetras, 2 yoyo loaches - about 5 inches in length, 3 swordtails. The only ones that survived the high temps in that tank were my L001 - about 20cms, and a bristlenose, and a 12cm peppermint.
(Now my heart breaks)
In my other tank, I lost my 3 L134's - my pride and joy!! approx 7 cm (had them from fry), about a dozen celestial pearl danios, and possibly some bristlenose fry. I know that at least one of my clown loaches have survived as i saw him swimming around this morning. - And of course, my guppies survived also!
So, I don't think that I will need to continue this thread of what to feed my L134's until I can afford to buy some more - hopefully later in the year!