L333 Bloating - Anyone knows the reason


New Member
Jan 20, 2010
Doncaster East
Thanks everyone.

Lost another 2 x L397 babies (2cm) from the same L333 babies tank mentioned. (Baby tank only have about 25 x L333 (3cm) and 25 x L397 (2cm) and 1 x crown loach) !!! Crown Loach 6cm - should i just flush it into the toilet (no spare tank)... I remember i saw some post saying Crown Loach gets infection easily and the bacteria might be a case came from him)

Bloated belly again. Have been feeding zucchini for 5 days. I would say it is not constipation.

There are a couple L333 in the same tank are currently belly bloated (belly not as big as those one died yet), will shot some photo and upload it later.

Seriously considering to add some medication, but they are all about 2-3cm. Is that too risky?

And it is a bare bottom tank. I think it is the bacteria that comes from the dead fishes over the last few weeks stays at the bottom. And that's why the number of bloated belly babies increases.

I need some recomendation in regards to medication that is suitable for babies. Btw, I am located in Australia, any ideas?


Apr 21, 2009
How often do you clean the bottom of the tank?
Some use bare-bottom tanks as it is easier to keep clean however they need to be scrubbed often or else a bacterial film fomrs on the bottom of the tank & fry can get bloat & die. This is a fairly common cause of fry/juvenile deaths.

Clean the tank bottom & keep the water clean. You could try an internal baterial medication, sorry not sure what is available in Australia.


UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
hi, can you get pimafix and mela fix from API? these are natural plant extracts and i have used them with fry before with no problems.
can you donate the loach to the lfs? not sure what a crown loach is -do you mean a clown loach? they grow quite big and not really suitable for fry tank. can you put him in parents tank?


Apr 20, 2010
Sydney AUS 2206
Hey guys just so i know can someone please advise me what was meant by Darrels post ? i read through it and all the links, it was a good read about digesting wood but nothing regarding anything i brought up.

Okay bare bottom tanks or substrate ? what is better substrate is for the pleco! I agree so why bring it up? What is easyer to clean bare bottom is by fare! No one can argue but the hole thing is that most believe that bare bottom is dangerous to fish! Mainly new borns not true!

Regarding fry feeding on poo nothing in what i read indicated to this but it did state that plecos gain bacteria and fungi from there surroundings i cant see how a fry just off sack in a fry saver is managing to find these so like i said or more what i ment feed less and be careful because they don’t have the benifical bacteria that they would of gotten by eating such things like poo

Yet it doesn’t mean that they feast on it but im sure you get the drift !

Im sure this may look like im trying to put one over on certain people but im not! it all started with me tryin to help out with what if been told!

If fry are dieing at 3-4cm from bloat disregard the hole notion of the beneficial bacteria they require to kick start there digestive systems to the foods you feed them im talking young fry

Thank you and sorry to of some how upset people,


Apr 21, 2009
Okay bare bottom tanks or substrate ? what is better substrate is for the pleco! I agree so why bring it up? What is easyer to clean bare bottom is by fare! No one can argue but the hole thing is that most believe that bare bottom is dangerous to fish! Mainly new borns not true!
It's all really a personal choice. All methods can & do work. There are many who successfully raise fry in bare bottom tanks, on substrate and in nets without parents. It is just a matter of understanding the limitations/requirements of each. Not each method works for everyone and to be successful one must understand completely what is required. For me personally, bare bottom doesn't work as I am not disciplined enough to clean the tank bottom enough. I am not going to say the method doesn't work though as I know that there are countless numbers of very good breeders around the world that use bare bottom tanks. The bottom line is that if you allow the tank bottom (substrate or not) to get too dirty you'll have problems. This is especially true for bottom dwelling fish that sit on the tank bottom.

Regarding fry feeding on poo nothing in what i read indicated to this but it did state that plecos gain bacteria and fungi from there surroundings i cant see how a fry just off sack in a fry saver is managing to find these so like i said or more what i ment feed less and be careful because they don’t have the benifical bacteria that they would of gotten by eating such things like poo

Yet it doesn’t mean that they feast on it but im sure you get the drift !
Well, I am not sure if this poo stuff is true or not. I don't have the expertise nor done the research, however from what I read of Darrel's post, it could boil down to them simply picking up things from the environment. Thus, even in a fry save they could pick up the microbes they need simply from whatever is dissolved/suspended in the water. As much as we like to believe that our tanks are clean, there is stuff all over the tank. Just as was the talk about bacteria on the walls & floor, there is also bacteria/microbes on all surfaces. Thus it could very well be possible that the fry could pick up the gut flora from other areas without being in physical contact with the parent's poo.


New Member
Jan 20, 2010
Doncaster East
thanks lornek8. Finally i got some clues. I never scrub the bottom. The bottom always looks clean and clear to me, never thought i need to scrub it. Will definately try that.

Yes it is Clown loach - my spelling mistakes. I will bring him to lfs for a good home.

Will try to scrub the bottom and see how things going for couple days.