hi, i am not familiar with this L#, but you asked about wood, what kind is best. Usually i use my fingernail to scrape it, if it is a soft wood you will know . Also, you should be aware that most wood leeches tannins , which is not harmful to your fish, but it does stain the water a light tea color. Some plec keepers prefer this look and some do not. It is a personal choice. So get your wood , lfs are usually a safe buy, and if you dont want the tea color tank water , just boil it till the water is clear. Note, the tannins will stain the pan ,so use one you dont plan to cook with. You may prefer the tea stained tank water and would need to do nothing, perhaps soak it a day if it floats , just to get it to settle on the bottom. The tea color is actually what some plecs are used to in their natural environment, hence some members choice to ''keep it real '' for them . Wood can also drop your ph ,so depending on ur tank size/water collum, and your tap ph (water changes) you may want to keep an eye on the ph. Sorry long answer but i am trying to cover all bases of what i know.
Another thing you would need to ask other memebers familiar with this plec is if he needs a cave. Most plecs need a safe hidey place that is close to their size where they hang out , as in nature, some prefer to hide amongst the wood if u place it stragetically for them and then there are some who prefer hidey places under/between rocks and slate. Might be good idea to find out what type your L digs. HTH, good you are asking questions to make him comfy . Check out some of the members tank photos on this forum to get a better idea.
good luck with him

Oh,dont mean to bust on you , glad you found PP to ask questions, but as Big Bird mentioned, it really is a good idea to research the fish you are interested in before purchasing, otherwise it may not be a good fit for your tank, your schedule, and other tankmates, no worries , we are here to help