Missing Gil flap


Feb 17, 2011
I noticed about a week ago one of my royals has a missing Gil flap. I suspect the rocky substrate may have caused this. I am about to change it to bare bottom. Today I found him at the top of the glass against the bubble wall and rapid breathing. Could this be internal parasites? As I have lost plecos that exhibited this symptom. I previously dosed this tank with Parsi pro wih him in there. Any other ideas or things I should do?


Apr 20, 2010
Sydney AUS 2206
I might suggest that you get your water tested first and if it's fine all round try creat more oxygen in the water I would suggest 30% water change and keeping the out let from your filter out side above the top of the water so water can crash in

Could you give us a list of fish you have size of tank and filtration
Most the time heavy breething is due to low oxygen in the water but there are menu resons this could occurr

Good luck


Feb 17, 2011
Thanks he seems to be doing better. Though haven't been able to view the Gil plate. I did a water change added prazi pro. Removed some gravel cleaned carbon filters but left foam filters to keep bio filter in place.

The tank is a 29 gl. I have an overhead filter rated for 55 gl and internal filter rated for 55 gl to have current. Also there is a foam filter rated for 80 gl. The tank mates are two other royals an L 191 and L 91. The pleco I am watching is an L 90 I have had since 09. They are all about 7-9 cm. only other tank mates re three rainbow fish. Ammonia is zero. Hadn't texted any other parameters since I had to get to work that day. Good thing though he appears to be breathing normal and eating his favorite food sweet potato. :)