Well I had a huge ech Red rose X Ozelot that I had to remove, but its roots were as large as the base of the tank so I took a blade and cut around the plant leaving about 2ft of root for the plant. Then I took that out, and removed as much gravel as I could from there. Pushed the gravel aside and placed the rocks in place so that the gravel wouldn't go back. Then I added the sand and replanted a few of the crypts.
Boy was I surprised when I removed the wood to add more and found no less than 50 crypts that had multiplied! Then I lust moved the moss covered wood to another tank and moved the 2 pieces of wood with the wondelov to the LHS.
Now I just have to add the narrow leaf fern to the base of the spindly pieces of wood and I should be done I think.
I see my rio ucyali so much more now! They are always on the wood and it's awesome!